Upload an annotated gene expression dataset

Use the "Choose file" button to upload a file from your local disk.

Feature ID in the file:  Entrez ID   Gene symbol 
Apply log2 transformation to the data:  Yes   No 
  • An expression dataset contains features (Entrez ID or gene symbol), samples, and an expression value for each feature in each sample.
  • The phenotype of the sample should be labeled by "0" or "1" which represents "control" and "case", respectively.
  • Please upload the tab-delimited(\t) text file.
  • Gscore accepts a variety of data value types, including logged and unlogged data. Since the limma package expects data values to be in log space, please upload the datasets with values of log2 transformation, or select "Yes" to perform a log2 transformation (default: No).
For the detail of descriptions and examples of each file format, see the guidelines of file formats in the tutorial or click the "format demo" button.

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Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
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