Ubuntu 18.04

1. Install the Docker package through the apt install command.
    $ sudo apt install docker.io

2. Move to folder of /home/[username] and create a folder to store input and output data.
    $ cd ~
    $ mkdir gscore_io

Put the input file to the folder. Example download

Input expression data file format demo:

Input gene set list file format demo:

3. Download Gscore Docker images from Docker hub by following command.
    $ docker pull sysmednet/docker_gscore

4. Confirm that you have downloaded the Docker image by following command.
    $ docker images

5. Execute the docker image of Gscore through the following command.
    $ docker run -it -v [path/to/Input folder]:/app/io sysmednet/docker_gscore bash

6. Execute the Gscore analysis in Docker container through the following command.
    $ python3 gscore_Top_genelist.py -exp io/exp.txt -gs io/geneset.txt -out io/ -Top 50
    $ exit

7. Output files of Gscore analysis will appear in the created folder.
    $ ls [path/to/Input folder]

Windows 10

1. Download Docker Desktop.

2. Open "Docker Desktop Installer.exe" and follow the instruction to setup.

Tip: Docker Desktop may need to install WSL2 and enable virtualization.

3. If the docker service has been successfully turned on, a green indicator will appear on the bottom-left in the Docker app.

4. Open "Windows PowerShell" by using search bar.

5. Test Docker by following command.
    $ docker run hello-world

6. Download Gscore Docker images from Docker hub by following command.
    $ docker pull sysmednet/docker_gscore

7. Confirm that you have downloaded the Docker image by following command.
    $ docker images

Create a folder (i.e., Input folder) to put the data to be analyzed.  Example download
Input expression data file format demo:

Input gene set list file format demo:

9. Run the Docker image of Gscore through the following command.
    $ docker run -it -v [path/to/Input folder]:/app/io sysmednet/docker_gscore bash

Tip: to get [path/to/Input folder], please directly type it or drag the folder to PowerShell (without “ ” or ‘ ’) as follows.
10. Execute the Gscore analysis in Docker container through the following command.
    $ python3 gscore_Top_genelist.py -exp io/exp.txt -gs io/geneset.txt -out io/ -Top 50
    $ exit

11. Output files of Gscore analysis will appear in the created folder.

Mac OS

1. Download Docker Desktop.

2. Open "Docker.dmg" and follow the instruction to setup.

3. If the docker service has been successfully turned on, a green indicator will appear on the bottom-left in the Docker app.

Go to Preference / Resources / Advanced. Adjust the resources with rolling bar (recommend at least 4G RAM). Press"Apply & Restart". Waiting for the Docker to restart.
4. Open "Terminal" by using search bar.

5. Test Docker by following command.
    $ docker run hello-world

6. Download Gscore Docker images from Docker hub by following command.
    $ docker pull sysmednet/docker_gscore

7. Confirm that you have downloaded the Docker image by following command.
    $ docker images

Create a folder (i.e., Input folder) to put the data to be analyzed.  Example download
Input expression data file format demo:

Input gene set list file format demo:

9. Run the Docker image of Gscore through the following command.
    $ docker run -it -v [path/to/Input folder]:/app/io sysmednet/docker_gscore bash

Tip: to get [path/to/Input folder], please directly type it or drag the folder to Terminal (without “ ” or ‘ ’) as follows.
10. Execute the Gscore analysis in Docker container through the following command.
    $ python3 gscore_Top_genelist.py -exp io/exp.txt -gs io/geneset.txt -out io/ -Top 50
    $ exit

11. Output files of Gscore analysis will appear in the created folder.

Reference Manual

(1) gscore_Top_genelist.py

    Gene set correlation enrichment analysis (Gscore) of gene list ranked by |log2| fold change. Given a list of genes and a category of gene sets. This Python scirption will return the Gscore analysis.


    $ python3 gscore_Top_genelist.py -exp example/exp.txt -gs example/geneset.txt -out example/ -Top 50

Argument Variable Description Default value
-h help Get help for any of the Gscore commands NA
-exp EXP_PATH Input file of the expression data ./example/exp.txt
-gs GENESET_PATH Input file of gene set list ./example/geneset.txt
-out OUTPUT_PATH Output path of analysis results of Gscore ./example
-log2 LOG2_TRANS Apply log2 transformation to the data [1=Yes or 0=No] 0
-FC DEG_LOG_FC Criterion of |Fold Change(FC)| for determining differentially expressed genes(DEGs)[ranging from 1.3 to 5] 1.5
-pval DEG_P_VAL Criterion of adjusted p-value for determining DEGs [ranging from 0.00001 to 0.05] 0.05
-Top TOP_DEG The maximum number of DEGs, ranked by |log2 FC|, are selected in enrichment analysis 100
-PCC PCC_THRESHOLD Criterion of Pearson correlation coefficient for determining co-expressed DEG pairs between the query gene list and gene sets [ranging from 0.1 to 1.0] 0.5
-id_filter INDGENE_FILTER Define the enriched gene sets for each individual DEG by using FDR q-value or raw p-value [1=FDR q-value or 2=raw p-value] 1
-p_qval INDGENE_P_Q_VAL Criterion of FDR q-value(or raw p-value)for determining the enriched gene sets of each individual DEG [ranging from 0.00001 to 1.0] 0.05
-gl_filter GENELIST_FILTER Define the enriched gene sets for the query DEG list by using adjusted p-value or raw p-value [1=adj. p-value or 2=raw p-value] 1
-adjp GENELIST_ADJP_VAL Criterion of adjusted p-value(or raw p-value)for determining the enriched gene sets of the DEG list [ranging from 0.00001 to 1.0] 0.05
-id_co INDGENE_COEXP Output of the co-expressed DEG pairs between each individual DEG and the gene sets [1=Yes or 0=No; default=0] 0
-gl_co GENELIST_COEXP Output of the co-expressed DEG pairs between the query DEG list and the gene sets [1=Yes or 0=No; default=0] 0

(2) gscore_user_defined_genelist.py

    Gene set correlation enrichment analysis (Gscore) of gene list provided by the user. Given a list of genes and a category of gene sets. This Python scirption will return the Gscore analysis.


    $ python3 gscore_user_defined_genelist.py -exp example/exp.txt -gs example/geneset.txt -gl example/genelist.txt -out example/

Argument Variable Description Default value
-h help Get help for any of the Gscore commands NA
-exp EXP_PATH Input file of the expression data ./example/exp.txt
-gs GENESET_PATH Input file of gene set list ./example/geneset.txt
-gl GENELIST_PATH Input file of user-defined gene list ./example/genelist.txt
-out OUTPUT_PATH Output path of analysis results of Gscore ./example
-log2 LOG2_TRANS Apply log2 transformation to the data [1=Yes or 0=No] 0
-FC DEG_LOG_FC Criterion of |Fold Change(FC)| for determining differentially expressed genes(DEGs)[ranging from 1.3 to 5] 1.5
-pval DEG_P_VAL Criterion of adjusted p-value for determining DEGs [ranging from 0.00001 to 0.05] 0.05
-PCC PCC_THRESHOLD Criterion of Pearson correlation coefficient for determining co-expressed DEG pairs between the query gene list and gene sets [ranging from 0.1 to 1.0] 0.5
-id_filter INDGENE_FILTER Define the enriched gene sets for each individual DEG by using FDR q-value or raw p-value [1=FDR q-value or 2=raw p-value] 1
-p_qval INDGENE_P_Q_VAL Criterion of FDR q-value(or raw p-value)for determining the enriched gene sets of each individual DEG [ranging from 0.00001 to 1.0] 0.05
-gl_filter GENELIST_FILTER Define the enriched gene sets for the query DEG list by using adjusted p-value or raw p-value [1=adj. p-value or 2=raw p-value] 1
-adjp GENELIST_ADJP_VAL Criterion of adjusted p-value(or raw p-value)for determining the enriched gene sets of the DEG list [ranging from 0.00001 to 1.0] 0.05
-id_co INDGENE_COEXP Output of the co-expressed DEG pairs between each individual DEG and the gene sets [1=Yes or 0=No; default=0] 0
-gl_co GENELIST_COEXP Output of the co-expressed DEG pairs between the query DEG list and the gene sets [1=Yes or 0=No; default=0] 0

(3) gscore_individual_DEG.py

    Gene set correlation enrichment analysis (Gscore) of individual DEG ranked by |log2| fold change. Given a DEG and a category of gene sets. This Python scirption will return the Gscore analysis.


    $ python3 gscore_individual_DEG.py -exp example/exp.txt -gs example/geneset.txt -out example/ -Top 50

Argument Variable Description Default value
-h help Get help for any of the Gscore commands NA
-exp EXP_PATH Input file of the expression data ./example/exp.txt
-gs GENESET_PATH Input file of gene set list ./example/geneset.txt
-out OUTPUT_PATH Output path of analysis results of Gscore ./example
-log2 LOG2_TRANS Apply log2 transformation to the data [1=Yes or 0=No] 0
-FC DEG_LOG_FC Criterion of |Fold Change(FC)| for determining differentially expressed genes(DEGs)[ranging from 1.3 to 5] 1.5
-pval DEG_P_VAL Criterion of adjusted p-value for determining DEGs [ranging from 0.00001 to 0.05] 0.05
-Top TOP_DEG The maximum number of DEGs, ranked by |log2 FC|, are selected in enrichment analysis 100
-PCC PCC_THRESHOLD Criterion of Pearson correlation coefficient for determining co-expressed DEG pairs between the query gene list and gene sets [ranging from 0.1 to 1.0] 0.5
-id_filter INDGENE_FILTER Define the enriched gene sets for each individual DEG by using FDR q-value or raw p-value [1=FDR q-value or 2=raw p-value] 1
-p_qval INDGENE_P_Q_VAL Criterion of FDR q-value(or raw p-value)for determining the enriched gene sets of each individual DEG [ranging from 0.00001 to 1.0] 0.05
-id_co INDGENE_COEXP Output of the co-expressed DEG pairs between each individual DEG and the gene sets [1=Yes or 0=No; default=0] 0

Copyright © 2022 SysMed.net Lab.
Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
All rights reserved.